Ser reconocidos como un referente nacional e internacional en la formación de profesionales integrales con un enfoque humanístico, científico y tecnológico.

Nos distinguimos por nuestra excelencia académica, investigación innovadora y compromiso social, formando líderes capaces de afrontar los desafíos globales y promover el bienestar y el buen vivir de la sociedad.

Aspiramos a ser una institución que inspire y transforme, generando impacto positivo en los ámbitos jurídicos, sociales y políticos.

Instituto Parmenides Elea

Educación de calidad en bachillerato y licenciaturas disponibles.

A wide-angle view of a large, multi-story school building with a central entrance and flags displayed. A group of people is lined up in front of the entrance, and there are trees and a well-maintained lawn in the foreground. The sky above is partially cloudy, creating a dramatic backdrop.
A wide-angle view of a large, multi-story school building with a central entrance and flags displayed. A group of people is lined up in front of the entrance, and there are trees and a well-maintained lawn in the foreground. The sky above is partially cloudy, creating a dramatic backdrop.
Maestrías de excelencia

Ofrecemos un currículo innovador y de alto nivel académico.

Admisiones abiertas

Inscríbete ahora y asegura tu lugar en nuestras clases.

Cursos en línea

Flexibilidad para estudiar desde casa o en el campus.

A classroom filled with students wearing matching red and black uniforms. They sit at wooden desks, facing forward, with a few students engaging in conversation. The room has a colorful geometric-patterned wall that displays 'IPA 3' in bold letters. Several small potted plants hang from the ceiling and around the windows, adding greenery to the space. Light streams in through large windows on one side, illuminating the students.
A classroom filled with students wearing matching red and black uniforms. They sit at wooden desks, facing forward, with a few students engaging in conversation. The room has a colorful geometric-patterned wall that displays 'IPA 3' in bold letters. Several small potted plants hang from the ceiling and around the windows, adding greenery to the space. Light streams in through large windows on one side, illuminating the students.
A classroom with rows of black chairs and white desks facing the front. The room is brightly lit with overhead lights and large windows on the right side. A projector is mounted on the ceiling, and there are decorations on the walls. The arrangement of furniture suggests a formal educational setting.
A classroom with rows of black chairs and white desks facing the front. The room is brightly lit with overhead lights and large windows on the right side. A projector is mounted on the ceiling, and there are decorations on the walls. The arrangement of furniture suggests a formal educational setting.
Educación continua

Ofrecemos programas de actualización profesional y especializaciones diversas.

Programas destacados

Descubre nuestras licenciaturas y maestrías ofrecidas este año.

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